Location: Corcelles-Cormondreche, Switzerland
Parent company: Amphenol (2016)
SGX Sensortech, "formerly known as e2v industrial gas sensors based in Chelmsford, and e2v Microsensors and MiCS Microsensors; based in Neuchatel."
#echem sensors
4 Series
EC4-500-CO (Carbon monoxide, 4 series, range: 0–500 ppm CO)
EC4-2000-CO (Carbon monoxide, 4 series, range: 0–2000 ppm CO)
EC4-100-H2S (Hydrogen sulfide, 4 series, range: 0–100 ppm H2S)
EC4-1000-H2S (Hydrogen sulfide, 4 series, range: 0–1000 ppm H2S)
EC4-20-NO2 (Nitrogen dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–20 ppm NO2)
EC4-20-SO2 (Sulfur dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–20 ppm SO2)
EC4-2000-SO2 (Sulfur dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–2000 ppm SO2)
EC4-250-NO (Nitric oxide, 4 series, range: 0–20 ppm NO)
EC4-2000-NO (Nitric oxide, 4 series, range: 0–2000 ppm NO)
EC410 (Oxygen, 4 series, range: 0–30% O2) 3-year life
EC4-1-CLO2 (Chlorine dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–1 ppm ClO2)
EC4-50-CLO2 (Chlorine dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–50 ppm ClO2)
EC4-10-ETO (Ethylene oxide, 4 series, range: 0–10 ppm ETO)
EC4-1000-H2 (Hydrogen, 4 series, range: 0–1000 ppm H2)
EC4-200-CL2 (Chlorine dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–200 ppm Cl2)
SGX-4CO (Carbon monoxide, 4 series, range: 0–2000 ppm CO)
SGX-4CO-10K (Carbon monoxide, 4 series, high concentration, range: 0–10,000 ppm CO
SGX-4CO-2E (Carbon monoxide, 4 series, 2-electrode industrial, range: 0–1000 ppm CO
SGX-4CO-LC (Carbon monoxide, 4 series, industrial, range: 0–500 ppm CO
SGX-4DT (Dual Toxic gas sensor for Carbon monoxide (0–500 ppm) and Hydrogen sulfide (0–200 ppm), 4 series)
SGX-4H2S-100 (Hydrogen sulfide, 4 series, range: 0–100 ppm H2S)
SGX-4H2S-300 (Hydrogen sulfide, 4 series, range: 0–300 ppm H2S)
SGX-4CL2 (Chlorine, 4 series, range: 0–10 ppm Cl2)
SGX-4NO-250 (Nitric oxide, 4 series, range: 0–250 ppm NO)
SGX-4NO2 (Nitrogen dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–30 ppm NO2)
SGX-4NO2-2E (Nitrogen dioxide, 4 series, 2-electrode industrial, range: 0–20 ppm NO2)
SGX-4SO2 (Sulfur dioxide, 4 series, range: 0–20 ppm SO2)
SGX-4ETO (Ethylene oxide, 4 series, industrial, range: 0–20 ppm ETO)
SGX-4NH3-100 (Ammonia, 4 series, range: 0–100 ppm NH3), SGX-4NH3-300 (Ammonia, 4 series, range: 0–300 ppm NH3), SGX-4NH3-1000 (Ammonia, 4 series, range: 0–1000 ppm NH3) for fixed and portable applications (no bias voltage required)
SGX-4OX (Oxygen, 4 series, range: 0–25% O2) 2-year life
SGX-4OX-EL (Oxygen, 4 series, industrial, range: 0–25% O2) 3-year life
SGX-4OX-ROHS (Oxygen, 4 series, range: 0–25% O2) Lead-free
7 Series
SGX-7CO (Carbon monoxide, 7 series, range: 0–1000 ppm CO)
SGX-7ETO (Ethylene oxide, 7 series, range: 0–20 ppm ETO) for fixed applications
SGX-7H2S-100 (Hydrogen sulfide, 7 series, range: 0–100 ppm H2S) for fixed applications
SGX-7H2S-200 (Hydrogen sulfide, 7 series, range: 0–200 ppm H2S) for fixed applications
SGX-7NH3-100 (Ammonia, 7 series, range: 0–100 ppm NH3)
SGX-7NH3-1000 (Ammonia, 7 series, range: 0–1000 ppm NH3)
SGX-7NO-100 (Nitric oxide, 7 series, range: 0–100 ppm NO) for fixed applications
SGX-7SO2 (Sulfur dioxide, 7 series, range: 0–100 ppm SO2) for fixed applications
SGX-7CL2 (Chlorine, 7 series, range: 0–20 ppm Cl2)
SGX-7OX (Oxygen, 7 series, range: 0–25% O2) 2-year life
SGX-VOX (Oxygen, 7 series, with on-board temperature compensation range: 0–100% O2) optimized for ventilators
#NDIR sensors
Standard IR sensor
IR11BD (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, range: 0–5 % CO2)
IR11BR (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, high percentage volume, range: 0–100 % CO2)
IR11EJ, IR11EM (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, with thermistor, range: 0–5 % CO2)
IR11GJ (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, with Temp Sens IC, range: 0–5 % CO2)
IR11GM (Carbon dioxide, 16mm, with Temp Sens IC, range: 0–5 % CO2)
IR11GM, IR11GM_1 (Carbon dioxide, 16mm, with Temp Sens IC, range: 0–5 % CO2); IR11GM_1 with supported lamp ideal for portable gas detectors
IR12BD (Hydrocarbon, 19mm, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR12EJ, IR12EM (Methane/Hydrocarbon, 19mm, with internal thermistor fitted, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR12GJ, IR12GM, IR12GM_1 (Methane/Hydrocarbon, 19mm, with internal Temp IC fitted, range: 0–5 or 0–100%); IR12GM_1 with supported lamp ideal for portable gas detectors
IR15TT, IR15TT-M (Dual Gas: Carbon dioxide (0–5%) broadband Hydrocarbon (0–5 or 0–100%), 19mm, with internal thermistor fitted)
IR15TT-R (for biogas applications: Methane and Carbon dioxide (0–100%), 19mm, with internal thermistor fitted)
IR21BD, IR21EJ (Carbon dioxide for mining, Series 1, 19mm, range: 0–5% CO2)
IR21EM (Carbon dioxide, Series 2, 16mm, with thermistor range: 0–5% CO2)
IR21GJ, IR21GM (Carbon dioxide, Series 2, 16mm, with Temp Sens IC, range: 0–5% CO2)
IR22BD (Hydrocarbon for mining, Series 1, 19mm, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR22EJ (Hydrocarbon for mining, Series 2, 16mm with thermistor, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR22GJ (Hydrocarbon for mining, Series 2, 16mm with Temp Sens IC, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR25TT, IR25TT-M (Dual Gas: Carbon dioxide (0–2%) broadband Hydrocarbon (0–5 or 0–100%) for mining, Series 2, 16mm, with internal thermistor fitted)
IR13BD (Hydrocarbon, 19mm, range: 0–5 or 0–100% vol.)
IR23BD (broadband Hydrocarbon, 19mm, range: 0–5 or 0–100% vol.)
IR31BC (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, range: 0–5% CO2) UNCERTIFIED
IR31SE (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, range: 0–5% CO2) UNCERTIFIED/single channel with mesh
IR31CE (Carbon dioxide, 19mm, range: 0–5% CO2) for high pressure applications - diving
IR32BC, IR33BC (Hydrocarbon, Series 3, 19mm, range: 0–5 or 0–100%) UNCERTIFIED/no mesh
Integrated IR (INIR) = Digital
INIR-BU1.8% (Butane, range: 0–1.8% C4H10 = 100% LEL)
INIR-CD5.0% (Carbon dioxide, range: 0–5% CO2)
INIR-ME100% (Methane, range: 0–100% CH4)
INIR-PR2.1% (Propane, range: 0–2.1% C3H8)
INIR-RF-R32 (R32 = Difluoromethane, range: 0–14% R32)
INIR-RF-R600 (R600 = Butane, range: 0–1.8% C4H10 = 100% LEL)
INIR-RF-R290 (R290 = Propane, range: 0–2.1% C3H8 = 100% LEL)
Certified IR gas sensor heads
IR601/1 (Carbon dioxide, M20 thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5% CO2)
IR601/2 (Carbon dioxide, 1/2inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5% CO2)
IR601/3 (Carbon dioxide, 3/4inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5% CO2)
IR602/1 (Hydrocarbon, M20 thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR602/2 (Hydrocarbon, 1/2inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR602/3 (Hydrocarbon, 3/4inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR603/1 (broadband Hydrocarbon, M20 thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR603/2 (broadband Hydrocarbon, 1/2inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR603/3 (broadband Hydrocarbon, 3/4inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–5 or 0–100%)
IR604/1 (Acetylene, M20 thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–100% LEL C2H2)
IR604/2 (Acetylene, 1/2inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–100% LEL C2H2)
IR604/3 (Acetylene, 3/4inch thread, built-in amplifier circuit, range: 0–100% LEL C2H2)
#MOx MOS sensors
MICS-2714 (for oxidizing gases, eg NO2 range: 50 ppb – 5 ppm NO2)
MICS-4514 (DUAL sensor for oxidizing and reducing gases, NO2 range: 50 ppb – 5 ppm, CO range: 1–1000 CO)
MICS-5524 (for reducing gases, eg Combustible gases, VOC, CO range: 10–100 ppm CO)
MICS-5914 (for Ammonia, range: 100 ppb – 10 ppm NH3)
MICS-6814 (TRIPLE sensor for oxidizing, reducing gases and ammonia, NO2 range: 50 ppb – 10 ppm, CO range: 1–1000 CO, NH3 range: 1–500 ppm)
Sensor modules
MICS-VZ-89TE (TVOC and CO2 equivalent for indoor air quality)
#catalytic #pellistor sensors
VQ21TB (poison-resistant pellistor pair for general Hydrocarbon sensing applications)
VQ41TSB (Ammonia/Butane pellistor pair for Ammonia and Hydrocarbon sensing applications; 2V/100mA) - no response to methane
VQ2B, VQ10B (standard pellistor pair; 2V/175mA)
VQ1B (standard pellistor pair; 2V/300mA)
VQ21B (maximum poison-resistant pellistor pair; 2V/300mA), VQ21TBJ, VQ21TSB (PR)
VQ10SB (standard pellistor pair; 2V/175mA, optimized for Hydrogen reponse), VQ22TB (PR)
VQ23TB (poison-resistant pellistor pair; 2V/335mA)
VQ3BJ (standard pellistor pair; 2.5V/335mA)
VQ25B (PR, 2V, Hydrocarbon)
VQ546M, VQ546MR (CERTIFIED sensor head: VQ46 Pellistor, VQ500 Head); VQ546MR +ve output
VQ547HT (specially optimized for NMP (N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone); temperature-rated -40–140 °C
VQ548ZD, VQ548ZD/W (CERTIFIED sensor head: VQ48 Pellistor, VQ500 Head; 3.0 V); for portable and mining applications; VQ548ZD-S with extra burn-in for enhanced stability
VQ549ZD, VQ549ZD/W (CERTIFIED sensor head: VQ49 Pellistor, VQ500 Head; 3.0 V) for portable and mining applications
VQ547TS (CERTIFIED sensor head: VQ47 Pellistor Ammonia sensor, VQ500 Head; 3.0 V) for portable applications - no response to methane
MP7217, MP7217-DA (miniature MEMS #pellistor for flammable gases), MP7227-DA (2nd generation of MP7217 sensor)
4 Series MEMS
VQ548MP, VQ548MP-DA (for flammable gases; optimized for Methane up to 5% vol. in air), VQ548MP2-DA (is a 2nd generation of VQ548MP sensor; Methane up to 100% vol.)
Combustible gas sensor heads
VQ601/1 (VQ1 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ601/2 (VQ1 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ601/3 (VQ1 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ603/1 (VQ3 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ603/2 (VQ3 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ603/3 (VQ3 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ621T/1, VQ621TS/1 (VQ21 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ621T/2, VQ621TS/2 (VQ21 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ621T/3, VQ621TS/3 (VQ21 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ622T/1 (VQ22 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ622T/2 (VQ22 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ622T/3 (VQ22 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ623T/1 (VQ23 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ625T/1 (VQ25 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ625T/2 (VQ25 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ625T/3 (VQ25 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ641TS/1 (VQ41 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ641TS/3 (VQ41 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
#ThermalConductivity sensors
VQ5MB (Pellistor Pair 2V/175mA, Thermal Conductivity with Closed Can Compensator)
VQ6MB (Pellistor Pair 2V, Thermal Conductivity with Closed Can Compensator)
VQ31MB (Pellistor Pair 3.5V/90mA, Thermal Conductivity with Closed Can Compensator)
VQ35MB (Pellistor Pair 4.2V/55mA, Thermal Conductivity with Closed Can Compensator)
TC-1326-A/TC-1326-AS (MEMS TC sensor optimized for Hydrogen, Methane but detects other gases too, range: 0–100%)
MP7217-TC (combined #LEL and TC module; designed to measure Methane 0–100% vol.)
Thermal conductivity gas sensor heads
VQ605M/1 (VQ5 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ606M/1 (VQ6 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ606M/3 (VQ6 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ631M/1 (VQ31 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ631M/2 (VQ31 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ631M/3 (VQ31 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ635M/1 (VQ35 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, Metric Thread)
VQ635M/2 (VQ35 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 1/2inch 14 NPT Thread)
VQ635M/3 (VQ35 Pellistor, VQ600 Head, 3/4inch 14 NPT Thread)